
Inicio / Actividades / Archery
MIN. AGE From 6 years old
DURATION 15 min.

How is your aim?

The activity “Archery” is a gallery containing 6 aisles with a target in each of them. It is located between the events tent and the Laser Camp battlefield.

The objective of this activity is to shoot 20 arrows per person to the corresponding target of your aisle. The person who is shooting the arrow is called an “archer”.

Archery is an Olympic sport in which, as the name implies, a bow is used to shoot arrows. The bow is held with the hand opposite the eye of the dominant eye of the archer. Archers who use the right eye as a dominant eye, hold the bow with their left hand, facing towards the target of the target, catching the arrow and the rope with the right hand. To shoot an arrow, it is important that you position yourself in the correct position: body perpendicular to the target and the line of fire.

Aim and accuracy to the limit!  How good are you?  Hit the target as many times as you can.
